im not promoting diesel's new ad campaign here but if their ads that feature everyday scenes that have been drastically altered due to rising temperatures and seas does attract you , its really worth considering and take a min to think what we can do in our daily lives to stop global warming ..
whats global warming ?
Global warming is caused by the build up of gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and methane, which form a sort of blanket over the Earth, trapping in heat that would normally escape the atmosphere. The leading greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, a pollutant emitted from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural has. While it is true that there has always been some natural climate variability, the changes that are currently underway are unlike anything that has been seen before. Record levels of carbon dioxide are having a far reaching change over our weather, sea levels, and climate.
how can global warming affect our daily lives ?
Global warming is sometimes referred to as the most dangerous experiment ever conceived. We do not know what the full affect of radical climate change will be on our environment, but we do know that even a modest rise of temperature could have dramatic effects.
last Ice Age, in which the Northeast United States was covered by more than 3,000 feet of ice. Leading scientists assert that a rise of 3 degrees would cause famine and drought and threaten millions of lives. It would also cause a worldwide drop in crops of between 20 and 400 million tons, threatening 400 million more people with famine, and put up to 3 billion people at risk of flooding and without access to fresh water supplies. Few ecosystems could adapt to such a dramatic temperature change, resulting in the destruction of half the world's nature reserves and a fifth of coastal wetlands. Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet if the ice shelves in Greenland and Antarctica collapsed, which is a distinct possibility if temperatures continue to climb. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often. More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050.
( above info is provided by sierraclub.org )
Ten things u can help curb global warming ..
1. Buy food and other products with less packaging, or reusable /recyclable packaging instead of
those in non-recyclable packaging.
2. Drive a fuel-efficient car
3. Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you
money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution.
4. Protecting forests is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. Trees "breathe in"
carbon dioxide, but slash-and-burn farming practices, intensive livestock production, and
logging have destroyed 90 percent of the native forests in the United States. And you can
take action in your own backyard — planting shade trees around your house will absorb CO2,
and slash your air-conditioning bills.
5. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
6. Leave your car at home two days a week (walk, bike or take public transportation to work
7. Recycle all of your home's waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal.
8. A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving
you money at the pump.
9. Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket.
10. Educate your community & friends , relay the message about how it can cut global warming
maybe some of the above mention may not be so practical in our daily lives but i believe if some actions were taken appropriately it will still help =)