Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Captures of moments - punggol

For those who's been following my blog all these while
should know beside baking , duncan has a " huge " flair for photography too

few days back my brother was doing some research and looking for inspiration
for his school project near our area .

and i tag along to " disturb" him .. ^^ hehe..
haha .. not really .. i'm actually his chauffeur for the day ..

who is this ?

my brother! so serious and into his work ..

this is duncan's brother ! kenneth ..
his first appearance in my blog .. ^^
( he gonna kill me if he see this ! ) haha..

cam whoring while my bro doing his " serious business " ! whoop !

oh well ..
i'm actually not there for nothing !
i took an array of photos ..
i seriously enjoy taking nice pictures ..
and these are some of my humble works displaying here today ..
do welcome your honest feedbacks and comments =)

believe or not !
i took all these photos with my digital cam .
so not pro right .. haha
i'm thinking of getting a SLR camera ..
but i know nothing about it ..
do u have any brands to recommend ?
and things i should look out for ?
please let me know =)

on a side note :
i will be submitting my works to " noise singapore "
under the photography categories .
for details can check out :
wish me luck k ! ^^
take care peeps !
lurve ya =)


Anonymous said...

nice photos duncan~
quite artistic picture that you have took

Anonymous said...

i can only say .. beside looking good .. duncan is so talented ! envy !

Anonymous said...

Your brother and you have the same nose...
You seem to like photos that lead somewhere...

Anonymous said...

Get a NIKON DSLR... it's DOPE~

Popthemusicdrug said...

hehe didi, long time no see !!!!

Shld get a new camera soon... if not keep "trembling" hahah

nice picturess! good job miu miu!

Anonymous said...

erm... to be honest. ur photos hai hao ba. ur angles and the lights not captured very well. perhaps a better camera will help u a little.

ps: no offence here but i'm not those who will say good words even though u r nice looking. haha

Rex said...

nice picture dude! =) love the first one which you took on the road side. life journey are so lonely...

Anonymous said...

i like the last picture of the tree. the rest of the pictures seemed abit too dark?

if you get the SLR, next time you will still need to change lens and stuff. it's a hefty investment. maybe photoshop skills could be a cheaper alternative =D

oh! i stay near punggol too! YAY


Anonymous said...

nice angles .

i love how you work with your angles . not to mention that you are not a professional photographer . i can see talent in you .

all the best Mr D !

Anonymous said...

the 1 pic with the 2 yellow lines is good.. the rest r quite boring to be honest. lack of contrast, composition not quite right, doesnt hv a focal point in the pic. mayb it's the camera. anyway, no offence. your baking skill is much better.

Anonymous said...

the yellow lines (first pix) is good. the strong yellow against the mellow fluffy skies as background.

my fav is the jetty shots...however, it will be better if there is no strangers lurking around which u cant help it..

continue brushing up your skills...

p/s: your brother looks "guai guai zai" =)

Anonymous said...

i like this range of photos !

to be honest i didn't expect such nice photos from an amateur photographer like you .

keep up your good work duncan :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Love all the pics,man!
Hahha yeah!!
If your bro noe that u've secretly uploaded his pic here.
haha..sure he'll hv a heart attack! Haha

Anonymous said...

hmmm the blogger is cuter.. much cuter.. :P

Anonymous said...

.woah. haf been quite a long time since i posted comments here.. =D u got flairs for photography too..good shots n kudos to ur bro 1st exposure..hehe..look 4ward to see ur entries in 'Noise Sg'.. ^-^

Anonymous said...

hey duncan,

ur photos are really nice and they are artistic. i like the LRT track pictures and those buildings reflecting the clouds in the sky. and i m also very impressed cos u took it wif ur digital camera u noe... its very good!

Great job duncan, looking forward to more photos! =)

Anonymous said...

It have been long while since I last visit your blog 8)

To me, photo are very subjective..as long as you like it.. I think it is fine...just like graffiti, some may feel it is a art while some feel like a rubbish...

Generally, i feel that you manage to look at normal thing at different angel (technical aside)

I am Minolta user which now move to Sony Alpha 700 (a bit niche, big player will be canon n nikon, i suppose) ..which i feel is great.

Continue enjoy your photography and baking (Any idea when you intend to bake cheesecake 8))


Anonymous said...

Hey! I think the pictures are quite nicely taken. You know which angle to capture the lines of the surrounding and you seem to be able to choose the angle few would be able to capture. As in, unique. =)

Air said...

im not an expert with photography..but i do appreciate nice photos or scene photos..in my own eyes..
i think they're really nice pics taken...i dunno professionally will it be nice enough to go for competition and stuffs like dat..but yar...to me..
it's really good..and plus the fact u are taking with DIGI cam...
i can never take such nice scene views..
oopz..i dun own a camera haha..

BTw *psst* duncan..
dun send in the photos with u inside yar?
they will prob keep it for themselveS!

Archi Apprentice said...

if you are interested in serious photography... start looking ard at the SLR this days.. there are loads of them easy for starters a well.
and Who says kit lens cant take great shots.
I am user of Sony Alpha series, which is a bought over technology by Konica Minolta one of the pionners in SLR cameras. Its worth taking a look...
As an interior designer... SLR cameras.. can help you alot...


Anonymous said...

you and your bro dun look alike. dunno its good or bad ha ha. yr photos look good. keep up the good work. buy a canon camera. can take very good photos with it.
oh ya i like the grey jacket you wore to genting. i also wan =)

Anonymous said...

eh its time to get your brother a Bell & Ross.

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice pics taken... not bad worr.. can go for some photography coz if u like.. learn more using SLR cam.. SAFRA got tis photography coz not bad.. btw, Nikon is not a bad choice~ :)

Anonymous said...

yea.. lol been reading ya blog n updating myself also. juz tat didnt really post any comment. =D

well i like the photos tho. its like 'distance' to me. taken from the near to e far whereby quite inspirational also coz tats wat in life. Things tat u wan are all far ahead. It is whether we dare to persevere on and achieve wats at the end.

er... tats wat i tot la haha also dunno wat i'm toking abt.. >.< blah!!

~Vic aka Junxi19~

Anonymous said...

seems like the ppl here prefers pictures of ur face and not anything else:P

havent seen ur bro for awhile eh.

Anonymous said...

hello, awesome posts, but its been quite awhile since you've posted some baking/cooking, hope to see more soon!

fufu said...

i wonder if there any discount if one buy 2 sldr cameras... i am thinking of getting one also...

Anonymous said...

hey duncan,

there is a issue about SLR camera's in the straits times digital life 2day. all about the gd stuff and the budget of the best and affordable SLR camera's. try to get it ok? hope it will be much of help, cos i was tinking of getting one too but maybe not now la, heehee =)

duncan said...

wenya - thanks babe =)

anon - hmmm not talented la just interest =)

mr - d - hmmmm... hahah u feel so ?

marc - thnks marc !

duncan said...

ptmd - y u laugh at my camera lol .. ya i getting new one soon !

anon - no worries .. i welcome all sorts of comments .. yup .. i believe there's still a big room for improvement and i know aint easy as well .. i will work hard and give my best shot ! thnks for ur kind advice =)

duncan said...

rex - hey thanks my fren .. thats one of my fav photo too =)

vv- u stay near punggol too ? lol we r neighbours ! haha yup i agree .. if i really get a slr there's lot to maintain..

anon - hey thnks =)

anon - no worries .. im fine with ur comments .. yup liek what i mention i will work hard on it just like my baking =)

duncan said...

rose - hey hey thnks for ur lovely comment here heheh...

13th - thanks thanks =)

jasmin84 - haha u r right ! he will kill me for it ! lol

blumarine .. gawwwww.. so swweet of u .. im flattered =) thnks

duncan said...

mochalatte - yup ! i still rem u .. wondering wher were u ! my blog and i missing u !!! come here more often ! hahah nice to see u back here =) take care !

~g~ - oh well yup its all from digital cam so dun be too strict on me can ? lol .. hahaha .. anyway will sure load up more of my works if i have the chance =)

jon - hey nice long comment .. appreciate .. anyway haven had time to bake so no idea what to bake next too .. haha i miss baking .. hope to bake up a storm soon !

duncan said...

763092 - haha we r singing the same tune ! in fact if u realize i took every pic with certain angle that i like .. from the edge to the bottom .. u can read me ! wheee...

air - hahah .. so funny u .. anyway thanks for liking my range of photos .. hope everything well on ur side ! catch up with u soon =)

Draftman's Post - great info .. thnks man ! appreciate !

duncan said...

boon - thnks for ur suggestion .. haha yup there r lots of ppl saying we dun look alike .. but we r very close =)

kohchris - why ? lol

laoshu - thnks for telling me .. mayb i can check out as well =)

~Vic aka Junxi19~ - haha dun worry i know what u r trying to say .. haha post more comments ! i welcome all sorts of feedbacks n comments dun worry =)

duncan said...

russ - haha isit .. no la they r all talking about my works ..

mel - ya i wish as well but i dun have time to bake or cook! stay tune and i will be back soon !

icfu - that one i really dunno about it ..

~g~ - thnks for ur kind info =)

Anonymous said...

there's a comex fair this nov. if really wanna get a SLR. maybe can find good deals there.

i have friends in this line. maybe can get it at a good price if you wana buy one =)


Rex said...

oh.. really! haha I grab it set as my wallpaper lo~ XD