Sunday, November 25, 2007

Captures of moments .. The unknown location ?

hello everyone !

sharing here today is a very short entry on a range of photography shots i took few days back ....

let's cut short and kick off straight away !

hows my skills coming along ? nice ? =P

anyway ... just to add a little fun and participation here ...


can anyone guess which part of s'pore is the above pictures taken at ?

make a quick guess ??
winner gets !!!!!!!!!
eh hem ....
nothing ! oops ... hahaha..
but come'on ....
just be sporting !! lol ...
forgive me ... >.<
( silly duncan on very " random super boring mood " -_- )

anyway night peeps !
me working on sunday again =(

p.s i will disclose the answer before my next entry up !


Anonymous said...

look like changi ?

Anonymous said...

Dempsey Rd !! 8)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I second Dempsey Road..Went to the Barracks?

CK from T

Anonymous said...

The makan place beside former NIE along upper Bukit Timah Rd?

Rex said...

walao duncan never come find me man.. you taking photo around block 18.. there is where i working ya~!? haha~ beside chang restaurant. =)
how are you ya? feel better now?

Anonymous said...

I've no idea but one thing for sure, you've done a meritorious job in photography. Love 'em.=)

Have you smiled today?
Take care. =)

Anonymous said...

lovely dempsey!

Anonymous said...

why never post more of your photos instead ? hahahah .. anyway it look like lim chu kang area yet some look like chinatown shop houses .

Popthemusicdrug said...

dempsey. i cant be wrong,my camp was there (:

Anonymous said...

That's MOUNT EMILY near Upper Wilkie Road

Anonymous said...

Rochester park ?


i think it's my place. hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

hello duncan.. =D tings haf finally turn out better for me...u're rite...haf 2 look positively toward tings..den again i oso seek ''retail therapy'' as an excuse for destress...haha...gona use up my brain cells tinkin abt buyin xmas pressies... x_x okie let me guess tis 'Barracks' in Dempsey hill..? haha..hmm wat can i say,u're multi-talented...hurhur.. =P hope u haf a great day ahead..cheerios.. =D

brandeelovin said...

its house la.. GAWD!
where be you!

Anonymous said...

donno where is the place but nice photograph u have infact beside cooking/baking u been scoring well for all ur photographs...=D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice pics!
good skills u have there..
anyway what type of camera didcha use?

Anonymous said...

u cook so well

u bake so well

u photograph so well

and u look so well ;D

Anonymous said...

I'm placing my bet on Dempsey, though i have an urge to bet Changi area. Haha.

But i'm gonna stick with Dempsey =))

Anonymous said...

the multi-talented duncan!

Air said...

busy duncan!

haha...hmm not guessing...since i think most of them got it already...hehe..
i hope u have resumed normal sleeping times...and been resting well..!

and yes...ur photog skills are definitely improving...can u stop flaunting ur skills...? very hard for other guys to keep up or catch up with ur standards eh..=)

Anonymous said...

its the House at dempseys

ckm said...


It is from little bali, gillman village.....m?L?n road ya.


Anonymous said...

i think its upper changi .. they have lots of british colonial looking houses there .

Anonymous said...

Haha! Dempsey Road. The Barracks, House And Camp! :)

They serve yummy Desserts!!!! Slurps!!! :)


Aaron said...

Confirm its Dempsey Hill....

Swimming Rules - Benneth said...

its at dempsey road the Barracks, and the antique shops in front

Anonymous said...

hey duncan , nice blog ..
hope to see more of your post soon
enjoyed reading them
take care dude .

Anonymous said...

hey you are very handsome !

Anonymous said...

hello talented chap , when are you baking again ? looking forward to it !

Anonymous said...

wow~ the pictures are cool~ though i'm not a photography lover, however the angle that the pictures was taken is nice~ it somehow give me a kinda feeling... a very familiar feel~ hmmm... anyway, nice shot!


Anonymous said...

i guess it is seletar camp the gate there... hahaa hope that i am correct...