Sunday, April 13, 2008

( Sick ) of my expectations ..

i really hate it when things dun go your way or as planned
what exactly went wrong ?
To be precise , my week was in a complete mess ..
oh well ..
it all started when i was down with fever in the mid of my hectic week
what a perfect timing right !
the bloody fever was accompanied by sore throat , cold , flu , body aching ..
you name it , i have it .
hate to be sick =(
cuz it's so disruptive especially in my work
if only i'm not that sick ..
i would have " fight the battle " till the end .
on another note
perfectionism is not a new word to me
it's been sticking around me all these years
i tend to expect alot without realizing in whatever i do or give
hence it only result more disappointments
sometimes i feel a little robbed when my expectation aren't met ..
but sometimes our expectations sell us short
sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected
you've got to wonder why we cling to our expectations
because the expected is just what keep us steady , standing still
the expected is just the beginning
the unexpected is what changes our lives ..
i better stop procrastinating !
maybe what i need now first is a good rest & break ..


fufu said...

yo... we never know what will come! stay strong, drink plenty of water =)

Anonymous said...

Is sad to know you are sick. :-(

Oh ya. Life not that bad ya. Look at the bright side. Falling ill is just for you to rest and then continue your journey.

Do rest well... Wish u speedy recovery. =)

Anonymous said...

it's not wrong setting high expectation on yourself , but if you are pushing too much it's gonna be very unhealthy ..
really heart pain to see you like that .. please take care ok .. thou i put in so much for you i also never expect anything in return am i right ? so take it easy ok ..


Anonymous said...

poor duncan..
need to seek medical attention??
have you seen a dr yet?
need medical advice let me know..
i can give you some..
take good care of yourself..
god bless you, get well soon
i will keep you in my prayers ya~
love ya *muacks

Anonymous said...

get well soon dude and take care!

E.T said...

the weather is pretty bad recently. It can very sunny in the morning and suddenly become heavy rain in the afternoon... so, u better take good care of urself! drink more water!

Janleesl said...

poor boi.. how's things now!? feelin' better!? n yeahh this kinda phase is pretty disappointing as e more u expect sth outta it, e more disappointing it gets when things go haywired. but rmbr boi, it is always advisable to take things in stride yeahh. life is never ever smooth-sailing as u thot it to be. we hafta take things bravely and face it, tackle it..

for now, gotta take extra care, drink more warm water, get well soon n be in ur tip-top condition again yeah!?

Aaron said...

If things dun go your way...make them!
Falling sick so that U will learn to be stronger...stay healthier! haaha...Am I making sense?

I guess not! Cos I'm not very well recently too...
But to me the SUN will always shine...

Just remember that!

Anonymous said...

YA. EXACTLY.What went wrong? Why do things turn out so unexpectedly? LOL. No worries. U ain't the only one experiencing this, because i was and am sobotaged by this stupid law of universe that only applys to particular group of people like you and me too. Anyway, speed recovery!

Rex said...

rest well duncan~ god bless! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Duncan
Rest more, drink more water, take vitamin C. Get well soon...

Anonymous said...

i hate being sick,
have to take medicine,
worse of all, feel like no energy.

get well soon and stay healthy!

~ham sandwich girl

Anonymous said...

Hi Duncan,

Is sad to heard that you fall sick... Maybe is due to the unpredictable weather.. Is making everyone falling sick...

Anyway drink more water.. Stop worrying about other things now and have a very very gd rest.. Must listen hor and dun be stubborn or else you will not get well fast.. ok? keke...

Take gd care of urself and i will pray for ur gd health in my heart.. muacks..

Anonymous said...

what happen to my cute boi ..
must take care ok .. if not i will spank you ! lol

Anonymous said...

hello dude..sori to noe dat u haf fallen ill..terrible weather ya.. =S no worries for strivin ur goals,cos u cfm can acheive them..but to me, I need to wrk doublex2 in marine line lor though I dun haf the xperience matter hw hard I've try 2 prove dat I'm capable n keen to learn new stuffs,ppl jus shun me..I wonder why ppl can become so procrasinating..abt my ideal goals they oso tink dat I'm day-dreamin..haixx.. =( sad n shocked to noe dat my 3 kakis haf resigned in tis usual,I still need to look positive no matter wat.. =D Hope u regain full recovery n prep up for life's challenges..Haf a healthy n strong body is above all..chins up n take care.. (^-*)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.. Looks like you are kinda down with lots of bad vibes.

Perfection used to be my favourite term. But I believe being positive is important as well.

Try to look at things differently. Like being sick seems bad , butyou can see it as a time for you to rest and do some self reflection and indulgence as well.

But being positive is not telling you to take things for granted. Its like a reminder to you not to look at things in a bad way.

Hope it helps

duncan said...

icfu - yup i agree thnks =)

caulvinj - thanks =) i will look at the bright side =)

H - i get what u mean =) thks

wenya - thats really really sweet of u .. with ur blessing i mus have recovered fast =P

huiyinh - hello , thanks =) i will be ..

duncan said...

e.t - thanks i will drink lots of water .. =)

ling - im ok already after self medications lol .. anyway i will take good care of myself u too ok =)

noise - haha i do agree what u say .. anyway thanks for ur comment here .. =)

wsh - yup im sure alot of ppl go thru this .. im jus taking this chance to pen down my thoughts =) anyway thanks .. i will bear that in mind =)

rex - hello thanks thanks so swet of u =)

duncan said...

anon - will vit c helps ? ok i will give it a try =) thnks ..

ham sandwich girl - yup me too .. anyway im feelin better now thnks =)

karl - ok ok yes sir ! i will listen to what u say lol ..

anon - nothing much .. jus sick only ... =) anyway i recover already .. =)

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah
bless you more with little angels guiding you
may you get well soon
^-^ y

Air said...

there's a saying..
we must always expect the unexpected!
if everything is expected..then there's no point in expecting at all..everything will just be plain and boring..
it's really a sad thing when things dun go our way and esp when we tot things would go our way but do not.. it breaks the heart and mental strength..
but when we fall, we learn to stand up..and become stronger...even though sometimes the bruises we have are astonishing..but we get back stronger.. Strong duncan boi!
u can do it!
haha..yea.. fight ur "battle" til the end..
hmm apologies that the medicine i gave weren't enough for u to prevent ur fever..
hope u are feeling much better now.. and carry on to JIAYOU! =)

Anonymous said...

oh no...hope im not long-winded... =x

Rex said...

happy recover. must take more vitamin c. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Duncan..

So how? Got listen to wat i say ..? Are you feeling better? keke...

duncan said...

wenya - thnks wenya .. sweet girl =P

air - really appreciate you bringing medicine for me .. indeed so nice n sweet of u .. i will always rem that ! thanks ! =)

mochalatte- im always happy to see ur comment .. so why would i feel u r long winded =) thanks very much =)

rex - yes sir ! i will ! =P

karl - i did i did haha im now strong n steady ! lol

Anonymous said...

Hope you've a speedy recovery!:]
& I believe you'll recover soon!:]

Rex said...

sia la... what sir~ =_="
anw~ waiting for your new post dude~ wuahaha cupcake cupcake~ hungry~

duncan said...

JJUS - thanks =) take care too ..

rex - haha ok .. im blogging real soon this two days ! cuz sick n busy with work last week so stay tune k ! lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Duncan,

Good to heard that you are feeling better already... Hope god pray you with good health all the times.. :-)

And ya.. Miss your baking. Quick tempt me your professional baking!!! keke...

Take care .. muacks..

russ said...

glad u are feelin much better dx miu...great to see u jumpy and smiley like b4:)

duncan said...

karl - thanks karl u are always so sweet .. =)

russ - heee .. we are all smiling !

Popthemusicdrug said...

CONTENTMENT is the key.

if u are never contented, u will never be happy (: