i'm a little late with my baking recap this year
nevertheless... here you are .. =)
As usual , i tried out several recipes and creations
been constantly working on something new , be it for the better or worse ..
so , in this entry i will be listing my very own top ten favorite works of mine in 2008 =)
there you go .. :)
No : 10
No : 9
No : 8

orange friand with dressing
No : 7

banana & cinnamon toast
No : 6

raspberry crumb cake
No : 5

party cupcakes
No : 4

christmas mince pies
so make a guess what's Mr D 's top three favorite ?
No : 3
orange friand with dressing
No : 7
banana & cinnamon toast
No : 6
raspberry crumb cake
No : 5
party cupcakes
No : 4

christmas mince pies
so make a guess what's Mr D 's top three favorite ?
No : 3
strawberries shortcake with cream cheese
so what's your favorite among all ?
alright peeps
hope my bakings for the year 2008 is being relished
and do welcome your honest feedback too ! =)
so what should i bake next ?
any suggestions ?

Q : so what is your baking goals in 2009 Mr D ?
Ans : exert myself and improve more .
expand & share more baking / cooking experiences , knowledge with everyone here
last but not least , hope to find someone who share the same avocation
and open a bakery together .. ( hahha just joking ! ) random again .. lol .. =p
on a side note : just wanna say a big thank you to those avid readers of mine !
thanks for taking your precious time to read up my blog ... luv ya !
so what's your favorite among all ?
alright peeps
hope my bakings for the year 2008 is being relished
and do welcome your honest feedback too ! =)
so what should i bake next ?
any suggestions ?

Q : so what is your baking goals in 2009 Mr D ?
Ans : exert myself and improve more .
expand & share more baking / cooking experiences , knowledge with everyone here
last but not least , hope to find someone who share the same avocation
and open a bakery together .. ( hahha just joking ! ) random again .. lol .. =p
on a side note : just wanna say a big thank you to those avid readers of mine !
thanks for taking your precious time to read up my blog ... luv ya !