been down in the dumps lately ..
just wonder ,
have you ever felt so lost for words ?
have you ever felt so lost in thoughts ?
have you ever felt like you want something so badly and you can never have it ?
have you ever felt so superfluous or worthless
knowing that you wont get reciprocated no matter how hard/much you try/ do ..
just a thought ..
am i clinging on this ambivalence state of mind again ?
i just wish i can be cold hearted ..
whenever i'm in this dysphoric mood
i wish to buy
retail therapy always work , but it came at the wrong time cuz i'm so broke now .. =(
the only left best alternative ?
baking therapy ..
yes ! baking does glaze me up ..
whheee.. i've found another reason to bake again ... ^^

1-3/4 all purpose Flour
110g Butter
110g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs
300ml of chocolate Milk
few drops of vanilla essence extract
1 tsp of baking powder
3/4 cups of hershey cocoa powder
1- 1/3 cups of strong brew coffee ( room temperature )
few drops of vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon of salt
dark chocolate frosting
First sift flour , baking soda and salt to mix , next add butter
vegetable oil , sugar and vanilla essence extract to mix well ..
Next , combine milk , cocoa powder & coffee to mix
lastly add eggs one at the time and mix well after each addition
carefully spoon the mixture into the paper cases to within two- third of the top
preheat oven to 350 degree and bake for about 20 mins
till well risen and firm to touch
Leave the cupcakes on the rack to cool for about 10 mins

Mr D in action !
dressing up my cupcakes ^^
As for the topping ,
today i'm using ..

Betty crocker Dark chocolate frosting

chris & larry's
vanilla fudge graham wafer clusters
with butter waffles
and there you go !
presenting my new creation again ! =)
cocoa-coffee cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting 
never know baking these cupcakes of mine does illuminate me for a moment ..
i wish to get out of my gloomy days soon ..
i wish to see the sun and get some light in ...